06. December 2022.

During our stay in Ljubljana, we presented our association’s projects: digitalization of street art and VR exhibitions, creation of Urban Heritage Hub, 3D models of murals for the blind and partially sighted, and connection with street artists.

Once the center is open, there is a possibility for cooperation through their residences, special programs dedicated to street art, as well as through Grafem – a program for the promotion of female graffiti and street art culture, co-produced by Urbana Vrana and Center Rog. “Gra” as in graffiti + “fem” as in feminine = GraFEM in Ljubljana. GraFEM fosters the empowerment and education of graffiti and street artists, as well as the promotion and reflection on female graffiti and the role of women on the Slovenian and international scene of graffiti and street art. As part of the program, local and foreign artists paint the area next to the Ljubljanica river with their masterpieces of graffiti and street art, with parallel workshops and graffiti tours around the city. The goal of the project is to encourage thinking about the role of women on the Slovenian and international scene of graffiti and street art.

You can hear more about the festival at the forum held last year in Belgrade.



The Rog Center will be open to the public at the end of 2023. and is located on the site of the Rog factory, which produced the iconic Rog bicycles. The original purpose of the building will remain preserved, adapted to modern times – this will be a public space for the production of cultural and creative industries, with an emphasis on craftsmanship, applied art and design.

Centar Rog will be a universally accessible creative hub with programs designed to bridge the gap between high and popular culture. It will offer almost 9,000 m2 of creative space with accompanying programs, as well as a new park of 8,000 m2 that will be available to citizens for daily use and public events.