This simple, infantile and almost naive rendition of the topic is precisely chosen in order to highlight the message of the artwork. Dulait insisted on simplifying his style down to the very basics but has enhanced his ideas to the social commentary.
During a long process of learning and making ones technique and ideas better Dulait has undergone a huge change. Firstly he brought his rendition to the perfection and then deconstructed it up to the point of non recognition. Then he took the idea of doing something different on our scene brought it to visual perfection and deconstructed it until only the idea remained. And now this idea of doing something different is getting unexpected turn in visual expression. Transmission of ideas work as long as there is someone that can understand it, on the other hand, if that someone becomes a whole society even better. Simplicity and child like visual identity of his works make most of the viewers comfortable with reading them, without fear that contemporary art in general inspires. And that visual simplicity transmits his ideas most efficiently.
“Just a little bit more” displays a man pushing the wall with his forehead thinking that soon enough he will be able to move, or destroy it. This is how sometimes it feels living in a society where your voice does not count and yet you are trying to make a difference.
Just a little bit more
TitleJust a little bit moreArtistDulaitYear2016LocationBelgradeCategoryStreet ArtTechniqueAcrylic paintBackgroundDilapidated factory wallLegal statusWithout permissionPhoto byAleksandar Đorđević
How Džamutka Discovered Fire
Džamutka is a motive that we can follow in his artwork almost from the…